martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Expectations Bilingual Education grade 3 math

Grade 3 Expectations
Numbers and Operations
1.0 Recognizes the relationship between numbers, the quantities that they represent and the positional values of the digits of cardinal numbers up to at least 10,000.
N.SN.3.1.1 Represents, counts, reads and writes cardinal numbers up to at least 10,000.
N.SN.3.1.2 Counts and writes cardinal numbers by hundreds and by thousands, starting from a given number (in ascending and descending order).
N.SN.3.1.3 Determines and estimates the cardinality of a given set up to ten-thousand.
N.SN.3.1.4 Identifies, writes and represents cardinal numbers through models such as: number line, concrete and semi-concrete models with a base of 10, and determines the number starting from the quantity of thousands, hundreds, tens and units given.
N.SN.3.1.5 Determines the larger or smaller number, the number that comes immediately after, before and in between a succession of numbers with up to five digits.
N.SN.3.1.6 Puts numbers larger than 1,000 and up to at least 10,000 in ascending and descending order.
N.SN.3.1.7 Represents and expresses the positional order of an object up to at least the twentieth.
N.SN.3.1.8 Composes and decomposes cardinal numbers of up to five digits in combinations up to ten thousand.
N.SN.3.1.9 Rounds cardinal numbers up to at least 10,000, to the closest tens, hundreds or thousands.
N.SN.3.1.10 Recognizes and uses the positional value of digits in numbers of up to at least 10,000.
N.SN.3.1.11 Identifies the positional value of a digit in cardinal numbers of up to at least 10,000. Uses expanded notation to represent numbers up to at least 10,000.
2.0 Interprets and represents fractions.
N.SN.3.2.1 Recognizes that the denominator of a fraction represents equal parts that are divided into the whole and that the numerator represents the parts to be taken or used.
N.SN.3.2.2 Recognizes and uses different interpretations for fractions.
N.SN.3.2.3 Recognizes that a typical fraction n/d is made up of n unitary parts of the form 1/d.
N.SN.3.2.4 Locates fractions in a number line (with denominators of 2, 4, 8 and 10).
N.SO.3.2.5 Recognizes fractions as numbers that solve division problems.
N.SN.3.2.6 Identifies, names and represents fractions and equivalent fractions as shaded parts of a whole or as a subgroup of objects that make up a whole, with denominators up to 10, using concrete and semi-concrete models.
N.SN.3.2.7 Compares fractions represented in concrete and semi-concrete models.
3.0 Estimates and solves problems involving addition and subtraction.
N.OE.3.3.1 Calculates addition or subtraction of cardinal numbers between 0 and 10,000.
N.OE.3.3.2 Estimates and solves addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping.
N.OE.3.3.3 Adds and subtracts fractions with same denominators
N.OE.3.3.4 Solves problems that involve addition and subtraction of monetary quantities with decimal notation.
4.0 Estimates and solves problems that involve multiplication and division.
N.OE.3.4.1 Memorizes and develops fluidity in the basic combinations of multiplication and division between 1 and 10.
N.SO.3.4.2 Uses the inverse relation between multiplication and division to complete calculations and test results.
N.SO.3.4.3 Describes the basic combinations of division starting from multiplication.
N.OE.3.4.4 Uses multiplication to solve problems that involve multiplication of cardinal numbers of various digits by numbers of one digit.
N.OE.3.4.5 Determines products with multiples of up to two digits and with multipliers of one digit, with digits no larger than five.
N.OE.3.4.6 Solves division problems with one digit divisors and dividends of no more than 3 digits.
N.OE.3.4.7 Creates, analyzes and solves multiplication or division problems that involve groups or arrangements [of numbers].
5.0 Solves problems involving contextual application and real life situations which require multiple steps and more than one operation.
N.OE.3.5.1 Represents mathematical problems through diagrams, numbers and symbolic expressions.
N.OE.3.5.2 Clearly expresses the result, verbally, numerically or graphically, using appropriate measures.
N.OE.3.5.3 Uses appropriate computational strategies to judge the reasonability of an answer.
6.0 Uses the strategy of mental computation and estimation to determine totals and differences.
N.OE.3.6.1 Uses the strategy of mental computation and estimation to determine sums and differences.
N.OE.3.6.2 Judges the reasonability of results in a calculation.

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